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Alitos Role In The Court


Justice Samuel Alito: The Conservative Workhorse of the Supreme Court

Alito's Role in the Court

Justice Samuel Alito has emerged as a prominent figure among the Supreme Court's conservatives, consistently siding with the court's ideological right in his votes. His unwavering adherence to conservative principles has earned him the label of the court's "workhorse" of the conservatives.

Alito's Voting Record

In the 2020 term, Alito voted in alignment with Chief Justice John Roberts, another conservative on the court. His consistent voting record has solidified his position as a staunch advocate for conservative causes.

Alito's Legal Philosophy

Alito describes himself as a "practical originalist," interpreting the Constitution according to its original meaning. This approach has often led him to rule against progressive causes, including those related to abortion, voting rights, and affirmative action.

Alito's Impact on the Court

Alito's conservative views have had a significant impact on the Supreme Court's decisions. His votes have shaped the court's rulings on key issues, such as campaign finance, religious freedom, and the Second Amendment.


Justice Samuel Alito's unwavering commitment to conservative ideals has made him a formidable force on the Supreme Court. His votes have played a crucial role in shaping the court's decisions and will continue to influence the nation's legal landscape for years to come. As the court's ideological divide deepens, Alito's role as the conservative workhorse is likely to become even more pronounced, leaving a lasting legacy on the American legal system.

